Vintage Kids
Upcoming Events
Kids Ministry at VFC!
Sunday Mornings
9am & 11am
Birth through 5th Grade
Our Sunday Morning Kids Ministry program helps kids belong to a supportive community, believe the truth of the Scriptures, and become who God intended them to be! We sing songs, play games, and learn about Jesus!
See below for more details of a typical Sunday!
Tuesday Night Awana
6:30pm - 8:00pm, September through May
4s - 5th Grade
Our program aims to reach kids and their families with the Gospel by developing leaders and discipling kids to walk with Christ for life through teaching core Biblical truths and Bible memorization skills.
Creativity Camp
2nd Week of June
5s - 5th Grade
Creativity Camp is a one week day camp focused on worshiping God through creativity! Campers will paint, craft, sing, dance, and more in worship together!
Registration opens January 1st!
Sarah Baker, Director of Kids Ministry
Check in for Kids Ministry is located in the Kids Building at 350 Mission Street, Santa Cruz.
Look for the Bubble Machine!
Yes! You can fill out this form to input your child’s information and then you will be able to check them in when you arrive!
All Kids Ministry volunteers complete a theological survey, as well as a security and Megan’s Law background check. Volunteers who serve more than twice a month also complete a live scan form.
Interested in serving? Email Sarah!
At both gatherings we offer:
Nursery - 2s
3s - Kindergarten
1st - 2nd Grade
3rd - 5th Grade -
Both our Early Childhood & Elementary programs use the Awana Sunday Curriculum called Brite. Brite goes through the whole story of the Bible each year, highlighting different stories so kids leave 5th grade with a strong foundation of the Biblical narrative.
The Brite units are:
God’s Big Story
Patriarchs & Exodus
Promised Land & Judges
Kings & Times of Trouble
Arrival of Jesus
Jesus’ Ministry
Teachings of Jesus
The Early Church
Church Letters
ProverbsTo learn more about Brite, click here!
Early Childhood (2s - Kinder), begins with an opening activity (Usually an open center play-based activity), followed by song time, puppet show, lesson time, craft, and plenty of time for play!
Elementary begins with play time in our gym, followed by Large Group Time which includes musical worship, a group game, an intro video, and teaching time. After Large Group, kids engage in small group activities that reinforce the Bible lesson for the day.