Plan your visit
We’d love for you to join us on Sunday!
9:00am & 11:00am
Whether you are exploring God for the first time, seeking a local church to be a part of, or just visiting Santa Cruz and looking for somewhere to go on Sunday morning, we are here for you.
What to expect
We have two gatherings on Sundays
We meet at 9am and 11am on Sunday mornings in our big red brick building on the corner of Mission Street in Santa Cruz, California. Our address is:
350 Mission Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
We stream our 9am gathering online. Each gathering has the same message, music and flow. The atmosphere at Vintage Faith in general is casual, friendly, and comfortable.
Our gatherings are usually around 75 minutes in length.
We value being in community
You will experience the beauty of our intergenerational community on Sunday mornings. We believe that gathering together as believers (and those who are exploring faith) is of great importance in our formation as followers of Jesus, and you will see that reflected from the moment you arrive on campus. We have regular moments before, during, and after the gathering to connect with our congregation and pastoral staff.
We have musical and experiential worship
Because we believe that God is the ultimate Artist, music, art and creative expressions of worship are a regular part of our gatherings. We also take communion together each week and regularly have a time for worshipful giving to support God’s work at Vintage.
We teach from the scriptures
In order to help us grow in our love for God and people, we strive to set an ethos of deep Scriptural study and discussion in our community. Each Sunday we teach from the Bible for about 35-40 minutes, often going through a topical study (e.g., relationships, how to live missionally, hard questions about the faith) or studying whole books of the Bible.
We have an AMAZING kids ministry!
We have an incredible team of volunteers and staff who care for your kids while you are in our main gathering space. Vintage Kids is for Birth through 5th grade, and meets at both 9am and 11am.
Our Sunday Morning Kids Ministry program helps kids belong to a supportive community, believe the truth of the Scriptures, and become who God intended them to be! Each week we sing songs, play games, and learn about Jesus!
We will invite you (and help you!) to connect beyond Sundays
Church is more than Sundays. Nowhere in the New Testament do you read that the followers of Jesus "went to church." Church is not a place or a meeting you attend; being the “church” is living life together while serving one another and the world around us.
Each week, hundreds of VFC-ers meet in dozens of smaller communities on campus and around the county to learn about God, pray, laugh, serve and do life together. We call these Community Groups and Life Stage Ministries. When you come on Sundays, we will invite you connect into a smaller community and will walk alongside of you until you have found the right fit.
Getting Here…
By Car
We always encourage carpooling if you're able to!
On Sundays, our parking team will be here to help guide you to a parking spot, so keep your eye out for them!
Please be aware that the parking lot does fill up quickly on Sundays, especially for the 9am and 11am gatherings.
We have street parking in the surrounding areas, so if you are able to use that, we encourage you to do so. Just be careful where you park, as some driveways are hidden and look like parking spots!
On Your Bike or On Foot
We are easy to find and centrally located on the Westside near Downtown, so getting here by bike or by walking is a great option
We have an awesome, secure bike rack on site!
By Bus
Using the Santa Cruz Metro is another transportation option, especially for Westside residents or UCSC students
For more info, check out the Metro schedule here