School of Theology





    We believe regular Bible reading and study is an important part of our faith. We also realize that it can be tough to know where to start or how to study the Bible in a practical way. This course provides seminary-level Bible education while also providing easy-to-use study tools.


    Learn about and develop key Biblical disciplines like prayer, fasting, and more that followers of Jesus throughout history have practiced to grow in love and knowledge of Him. In the last week of this course, take part in a retreat day to put what you learn into practice.


    Who is the Holy Spirit? What are the spiritual gifts? Are the supernatural gifts for today, or have they ceased? All these questions and more will be addressed from a variety of perspectives in this Biblically grounded course, as we learn how God has gifted us to serve.

  • DOCTRINE 101


“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

— Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV)


From the very beginning, Vintage Faith Church has envisioned developing a School of Theology to offer a variety of classes all year round to help train people in theology, apologetics, and spiritual formation. Over the years, we’ve developed a variety of class offerings, forums, workshops, and hundreds of people from all over the greater Bay Area have participated in these. Today, we are working towards a regular rotation of our “foundation” classes which will be offered multiple times throughout each calendar year, as well as continuing to develop and host our Summer Deep Dive sessions, theology forums, and specialty classes.

Get started with Foundations!

The best way to get started with School of Theology classes is to check out our open events. Click the button below to explore our open classes, and check back regularly if you don’t see the one you’re looking for. When you show up for class, just look for the big “SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY” signs that will point the way in!


Summer Deep Dive

Every summer, we bring in experienced and knowledgeable members of our community and the wider body of Christ to provide in-depth teaching on a wide variety of subjects that we might not get to explore as much on a typical Sunday morning. Join us for a sweet time of learning in community on those hot summer nights!

Theology Forums

At certain times, it can be helpful to have more time to explore a certain topic, and have the chance to ask honest, thoughtful questions and receive honest, thoughtful answers. We pray that our theology forums can be places of grace and truth as we walk in vulnerability together through the big questions of life.

Specialty Classes

From parenting, to relationships, to personal finance, to prayer, we believe that there is Biblical truth to be applied to every area of our lives as we follow Jesus. We try to provide a variety of specialty classes to meet this need, and these take place at various times throughout the year.

Questions about School of Theology?

Contact Landon Baker
Director of Community Life, Discipleship, & Formation