Join a Serve Team!
At Vintage Faith Church, we aspire and long to be a community on mission.
Specifically, we long to be a Worshiping Community of Missional Theologians who are following Jesus Christ into mission in the world, so that many might come to know, love, and follow him. This happens when we collectively offer up our time, talents, energy, and resources. Below are a variety of ways you can join the mission, by jumping into a volunteer serving role.
Check out the opportunities below and join the mission!
Not sure where you’d like to serve? Let us know and we can help you find your best fit!
Serve on a Sunday
Welcome Team
From the Parking Lot to the Courtyard, inside the Sanctuary and out, our welcome team is looking for leaders and workers who are ready to receive each guest onto our campus with warmth and care!
Worship Arts
Worship Arts includes all technical and creative elements of a Sunday gathering. Opportunities such as operating cameras, playing a musical instrument, and supporting the creative elements of a Sunday gathering.
Campus Security
We have a big campus and we want to do everything we can to keep our community safe while on our campus.
Kids Ministry
Pour into the next generation! Our birth through 5th Grade ministry is looking for dedicated leaders who are passionate about sharing the truth of God’s Word to the youngest members in our community.
Serve in our
Midweek Ministries
Our Tuesday Night Awana Program is looking for passionate leaders who are committed to teaching the truth of Scriptures.
Tuesdays from 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Youth is a fun place to serve! Pour into the lives of middle & high school students during these important formative years.
Tuesdays from 6:15pm - 9:00pm
Young Adults
Young Adults would not be the amazing community that it is without the amazing people who give their time to make it happen! We have a team of people who serve on the setup team, AV team, small groups, and special events.
Wednesdays from 6:30pm - 9:30pm
The Abbey
Serving in The Abbey Coffee Shop is a great missional opportunity to reach the people of our city. Every customer is a person that Jesus died for!
Behind the Scenes
Prep Team
The Kids Ministry Prep Team meets every other Thursday to copy, cut, laminate, fold, and staple all the supplies needed for our Kids Ministry Program. If you love that sort of thing, we would love to have you join us!
Every other Thursday from 1pm to 3pm
The Facilities Team is looking for people from all skill levels to join in on our mission to help steward the gift that 350 Mission St. is to God's Kingdom! Whether you are a skilled tradesman or someone with a bit of extra time and no prior experience, please feel free to reach out! We would love to meet you and help get you started on joining our team!
We have a team of people who support our staff in delegating and managing the finances of our ministries! We are looking for faithful and dedicated members of our community to assist in counting and categorizing the weekly giving.
Mondays from 9am to 11am
Do you love administration? Office tasks? Serve behind the scenes in a variety of office support tasks, or perhaps lend your incredible administrative skills to one of the other ministries of VFC!
on our Care Team
Prayer Team
The VFC prayer team serves in a variety of ways; calling people throughout the week, praying with people in our prayer cove on Sundays and at special events, and being a part of our weekly prayer email. There are lots of ways to get involved in prayer!
Local Compassion
Local Compassion ministry exists to bring wholeness, purpose, and peace to the poor, voiceless, and forgotten in our community. Join this team as a leader or worker to strategically address the needs of our county through the lenses of Biblical Justice and Compassion.
Meals Ministry
Join a wonderful team of people who prepare and purchase meals for those experiencing major life change or tragedy in our community! Don’t love to cook? Send a gift card or provide take-out!