Youth Ministry
6th - 12th Grade
Sunday Mornings
Middle School Sundays
10:45am - 12:30pm
Multipurpose Room
The Afterword (High School)
11:00am - 12:30pm
Family Ministries Office
Tuesday Nights
Youth Midweek
6:30pm - 8:15pm
Help and Hang
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Upcoming Events
Want to get involved?
We need many volunteers to make Youth Midweek happen – whether you’re interested in band, tech, or even doing announcements, there are so many ways to get involved!
No experience necessary!
Email katelynn.reynolds@vintagechurch.org for more information!
Middle School (6th-8th)
Youth Midweek
Here at our Middle School Ministry, we gather weekly to play games, join in musical worship, relate with God through His Word, and practice living out a Christ-centered community in small groups.
Middle School Sundays
Join us each week as we learn about Bible characters who help us better understand the character of God!
Every Sunday Morning
10:45 am - 12:30 pm
Multipurpose Room
High School (9th-12th)
Youth Midweek
High School Ministry meets weekly to be immersed into Christ-centered community, join in musical worship, hear deeply relevant Bible teachings, and experience discipleship in small groups.
The Afterword
Join us each week as we share a meal, discuss the Sunday teaching, pray, and encourage each other!
Every Sunday Morning
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Family Ministries Office
Junior/Senior Nights
Upperclassmen have a monthly night to dive deeper into community, share a meal, teambuild, ask the tough questions, and prepare to go out into the world with a solid foundation.
Youth Resources
Devotional Resources
We also offer devotional books on our resource table at Vintage Youth Midweek!
Resources for Parenting Teens
The Ambassadors Forum
Counseling Resources
Laura Kurek: Anxiety, Trauma, OCD
Alexandra Pappas: Trauma, EMDR, Families, Couples, Parenting, young adults, teens
(831) 471-7195
Miriam Parks: Teletherapy only-EMDR, trauma, anxiety, 20-30’s females
Dennis Patton: Couples’, Families, Addiction
(831) 431-0593
Angelie Purkey: IFS, EMDR, Trauma, Couples
(831) 288-3998
Lorren Siu: Anxiety and Trauma-Brainspotting
Jan Wright: EMDR, Family of Origin, Grief-Adults Only
(831) 332-2181
Hannah Fisher: Adolescent & Young Adult Counseling
(831) 297-6437
Every Tuesday from 6:30pm - 8:15pm
We are always excited to empower teens to use their gifts! Contact: Katelynn.Reynolds@vintagechurch.org
Click here to find out about events and the details!